‘Poor Health’ A New Synonym For ‘Antibiotics’

functional medicine classes by trulyheal

Since as early as the 1960s, only a few years after antibiotics became available, scientists found that bacteria had the extraordinary capacity to genetically mutate so they are resistant to antibiotics. Termed antibiotic resistance, this mutation means that an antibiotic has lost its ability to effectively control or kill bacterial growth.

How To Test For Heavy Metals

blood test

Unfortunately, its not always apparent if you have a toxic build up in the body. Many toxins can be stowed away in the bodies various tissues such as bone, fat, nerves, red blood cells and kidneys. Therefore, it is extremely important to test your heavy metal load and burden to see if these may be contributing to your ill health.

Which is The Best Diet and Why?

healthy lifestyle by trulyheal

This has always been a complicated question. In my attempt to answer properly, I must firstly say that there is no such thing as the ‘best diet’ that’s suitable for everyone.